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  • Margaret Podesta
Dear PVES Families, And spring will be here! Thank you all for your wonderful efforts this week. Our students are working so hard, and we had so much fun wearing the color green and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day yesterday! Thank you to Mrs. Odell for arranging to have a wonderful bagpiper perform for our students as…
Dear PVES Families, I hope that you are enjoying a restful weekend, even though we all lost one hour of sleep! The extra hour of daylight after school will be nice for the children, but please be sure to plan for an earlier bedtime tonight.  This adjustment in clocks can throw us all off for a…
Dear PVES Families, I hope you are all enjoying the weekend, with warmer days on the way! The productive month of March is off to a wonderful start at PVES, and I am so excited that our students have all reached their 100th Day of School for this year! Thank you to our entire faculty and…
Dear PVES Families, I hope that you are all doing well and enjoying the winter sunshine! The month of March is right around the corner, and we will see if this month decides to “come in like a lion.” The children are sharing wonderful stories of playing in all of the snow that has fallen in…
Dear PVES Families, Happy Valentine’s Day, Happy President’s Day, and Happy February break! We have all worked so hard together this year, and this winter break comes just at the right time to enjoy some more winter weather and some cozy family time. I hope you all enjoy the week ahead. If you are traveling out…
Dear PVES Families, We are enjoying our Sports Jersey Day at PVES today!  Thank you, parents, for always supporting our school initiatives, and for carefully reading school emails and notices. This makes such a difference for your children! As you know, this Monday, February 8th, is a Remote Learning Day for all of our elementary students.  Kindergarten…
Dear PVES Families, Happy February! I hope that you are all safe, warm, and enjoying the snow day!  We will be watching the winter weather closely today, so please stay tuned for any messages about tomorrow’s learning plan.  (Remember that 2-hour delay days mean a later dismissal time!) In the meantime, enjoy this special time with…