Dear Putnam Valley Community:

On Friday, August 7, Governor Cuomo announced that all New York State schools can reopen.  This decision is based on infection rates that are below the thresholds set by New York State. Local districts, under strict New York State Department of Health and New York State Education Department guidelines, have…

Dear Putnam Valley Community:
The Putnam Valley Central School District Board of Education Work Session/Business Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 7:00 pm, will be held in the High School Performing Arts Center to allow for distancing.  Any community member wishing to attend in person will be required to wear a mask. Members of the public may also participate by clicking the live…
Dear PVES Families, This is just a quick reminder to please fill out the District Survey that was emailed again this past weekend regarding the choice you are making about your child’s learning this year.  Even though the elementary school is offering 100% in-school learning, parents still have the choice to have their children learn remotely…

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

While COVID-19 and the reopening of schools have rightfully consumed a majority of our communications, the focus of this communication will be our ongoing facilities project.  Construction continued throughout much of the school closure period and remains on target for substantial completion of the Middle School and Elementary School work…


Dear Putnam Valley Community:

As noted in my message regarding the Putnam Valley Central School District's reopening plan, please click on the link below to complete the survey.  By letting us know your intentions for the fall, we will be able to prepare for the reopening of schools.  This information will inform our decisions…

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

As noted in my message regarding the Putnam Valley Central School District's reopening plan, please click on the link below to complete the survey.  By letting us know your intentions for the fall, we will be able to prepare for the reopening of schools.  This information will inform our decisions on classroom…
Dear PVES Families, I hope that this note finds you healthy and enjoying the summer days.  These are challenging times, but relaxing summer moments with your families can make even these tough days so special, joyous, and memorable. Last week, Dr. Luft sent out the PVCSD Reentry Plan for September.  I hope that you have now had…