PV Schools

Pupil Personnel Services are those legally required services that enable students to benefit from instructional programs such as nursing, guidance, psychology, social work and special education. The Pupil Personnel Services staff serves all children in the district, including general education students, students with disabilities, students at risk and students who are gifted.

Putnam Valley Central School District Pupil Personnel and Student Services

Office of Special Education and Student Services

Natalie Doherty
(845) 528-8130 ext. 1307
Assistant Superintendent for
Pupil Personnel Services & Human Resources, Foster Care Point of Contact
Melissa Estrella
(845) 528-8130 ext. 1315
Special Education Supervisor
Susan O’Connell
(845) 528-8092 ext. 1104
Psychologist and CPSE Chairperson
Jean Cesario
(845) 528-8125 ext. 1387
Office Assistant, Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program
Michael D’Amore
(845) 528-8130 ext. 1318
Office Assistant Pupil Personnel and Curriculum
Danielle Pelliccio
(845) 528-8130 ext. 1317
CSE &CPSE Office Assistant, District Registrar, Foster Care Point of Contact

High School

Alyssa Cohen
(845) 526-7847 ext. 1329
Gina Frye
(845) 526-7847 ext. 1398
Judilicia Perez
(845) 526-7847 ext. 1503
Social Worker

Middle School

Leighann Bale
(845) 528-8101 ext. 1206
Social Worker
Jason Kane
(845) 528-8101 ext. 1219

Elementary School

Susan O’Connell
(845) 528-8092 ext. 1104
Mary Sullivan
(845) 528-8092 ext. 1116