Dear PVMS Families,

April showers have brought on May flowers and beautiful weather is in the forecast.  Mother nature has cooperated with us for the most part and temperatures in the 60s, 70s, and 80s are a welcoming sight.  The month of May is full of events as we kick off the second to last month of our school year.

We are celebrating teacher appreciation week from May 6th – 10th!  Thank you to all of our teachers for all that you do as this week we recognize you but thank you for each and every day you make a positive impact on our student’s lives.  Thank you to the PTA for recognizing our teachers and celebrating the impact that teachers have on our student’s lives day in and day out.

Our New York State Mathematics assessments will take place on Wednesday, 5/8/24 and Thursday, 5/9/24.  Our 5th and 8th grade students will be taking their assessments using computer based testing (CBT) as we had great success administering this for our ELA assessments.  This will be the last year that our 6th and 7th graders take the paper based assessments.  Our entire building will be transitioning to CBT assessments next year.  All students are to bring independent reading books and sharpened #2 pencils, and calculators for certain grade levels on this day.  Students have worked so hard this year and it is an opportunity to show their skills and apply what they have learned.  Please note that these are untimed, do not impact teacher APPR, and are a great opportunity to practice standardized assessments that students will need to take in high school.  Good luck to all!

In addition, this is the first year that we will see our 5th and 8th graders take the computer based test in science.  The Next Generation Science Standards will be assessed in our testing and we are excited to see how our students apply their skills through the process of cross cutting principles.  We have outstanding science teachers who have prepared our students for taking these assessments in 5th and 8th grade on Monday, 5/13/24 and Tuesday, 5/14/24.

There has been an increase in 7th and 8th graders who are carrying their cell phones throughout the day.  If students are seen with these then an adult will ask a student to turn these devices over to them.  Cell phones will be placed in the Main Office for the day and can be picked up at the end of the school day.  If this becomes an ongoing concern then we will ask parents/guardians to pick up the phones from school and we may ask for a conference to brainstorm ways to better understand our code of conduct.  Thank you for your partnership in helping us to remind our students that cell phones stay off and in lockers for the entire school day.

As we continue into the fourth quarter, it is vital for our students to stay focused on their efforts toward their academic progress.  Please note that some of our seventh and eighth graders will be taking final exams in June and that these will be summative measures for teachers to assess their progress for the entire year.  In addition, we still have our Algebra I Regents, and our Checkpoint A exam for those in eighth grade Mandarin Chinese and Spanish.  We are hopeful that our students continue to apply themselves, stay focused, and take advantage of opportunities that will strengthen their overall abilities.  I want to thank all of those families of students who sat to take the NYS English Language Arts assessments, NYS Mathematics assessments, and NYS science assessments.  We use this data to help drive instruction and as a multiple measure for supports that students may need.  These are always vital opportunities for students to show their knowledge and prepare for high school Regents exams that they will be taking in the near future, especially for our seventh and eighth graders.  

End of Year Details

We are still in the process of organizing end of the year details for our seventh and eighth grade final exams.  These will take place during our school day.  Our Eighth Grade Moving Up Ceremony is scheduled for Monday, June 24th in our High School Performing Arts Center at 5:00PM.  That same evening we will have a Moving Up Dance at Cortlandt Colonial at 7:00PM.  Electronic communications with this information are being sent out.

You may always see details for our year by checking the live calendar on the right hand side of our PVMS website page and the Daily Announcements located there as well.

Mark Your Calendar – We are Busy!

Monday, May 6th – Friday, May 10th: Teacher Appreciation Week – Thank you to the Putnam Valley PTA and families that were able to contribute to all of the events planned for our staff during this week.

Wednesday, May 8th: National School Nurse Appreciation Day – Thank you to Nurse Jacquie LeClech and Nurse Kathy Hill for all that they do for our community.

Wednesday, May 8th – Thursday, May 9th:  NYS Math Assessments

Friday, May 10th:  6th Grade Assembly – Chariots of the Sun

Monday, May 13th & Tuesday, May 14th – NYS Science Testing (Computer Based) Grades 5 & 8

Monday, May 13th: PVMS 7th and 8th Grade Spring Chorus Concert – PVHS PAC – 7:00PM

Tuesday, May 14th: PVMS 5th and 6th Grade Spring Chorus Concert – PVHS PAC – 7:00PM

Wednesday, May 15th – Friday May 17th –  8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip

Thursday, May 23rd: Midpoint of the 4th Quarter – Please check PowerSchool on Friday, May 31st for updated grades and comments.  Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions and concerns.

Thursday, May 23rd – 8th Grade (End of Year Events) DEADLINE for Permission Slip/Monies 

Friday, May 24th – Tuesday, May 28th –  No School – Memorial Day Recess

Friday, May 31st – 6th Grade Trip to Medieval Times 

As always, please reach out to your child’s classroom teachers should you have any questions or want to schedule an in person meeting for one reason or another.  It is through our partnership that our children are supported in positive ways so that they succeed.  We look forward to a busy May and remember to please reach out to the middle school if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Travis W. McCarty

