Dear PVMS Families,

We are welcoming in March and as weather folklore goes of how it comes “in like a lion and out like a lamb.”  Will we receive a snowstorm of more than 8 inches of snow this year?  I am hopeful but also looking forward to Spring at the same time.  The weather continues to be as unpredictable as the changing times ahead of us.  A return to consistency and a stable environment is what we are all looking forward to.

Thank you to our PV PTA for holding a hot chocolate event, a 6th grade bowling evening, and a 100 day recognition with 100 hearts displayed on our entrance.  These events and recognition are much appreciated and our students benefit greatly from them.

Our PVMS Budget Presentation will be shared at our Board of Education Meeting on March 3rd.  Please take the time to watch the live steam as we will share our goals for the upcoming school year as well as budgetary needs.

With the rise of social distancing and physical isolation that has taken place since the beginning of our pandemic, we have seen a rise in social media usage amongst our student population.  Students communicate in a variety of ways through gaming platforms, text messaging groups, Snapchat, etc.  There will always be a way for them to communicate but have we addressed these platforms and the proper way to communicate in a positive and productive way?  It has been a goal of ours at PVMS to bring attention to the concerns that we have observed around the hurtful texting that exists.  Students have crossed boundaries in texting negatively around topics of racial slurs, ethnicity, sexual orientation, amongst other negative threats.  Please partner with us in monitoring what your children are texting on their phones as well as other devices.  Students should treat one another with respect and dignity.  They should be reminded to treat everyone the way in which they would like to be treated.  Some of our students act differently in the “virtual” world at times.  Our role is to educate them to make positive choices and if anything, let it be something they learn from if they make a poor choice.  Families should know that what students do outside of school can have a connection to what happens in school and we must investigate these situations when they are brought to our attention.  It takes a village to raise a child and we appreciate your partnership.

Key Dates – Mark Your Calendar

 Encore 4 for 5th and 6th grade began on Monday, February 28th.  Please review your child’s schedule and ensure that they know where they are going.  They can always stop by the Main Office and we will let them know if they are unsure.

We will have our re-scheduled Student vs Staff Volleyball Game on Friday, March 4th during 8th period.  Students in 8th grade who will not be participating along with 7th graders will be in the audience for support.  Students in 5th and 6th grade will be able to live stream the event to their classrooms.  Our PVMS community looks forward to this annual tradition! 

Friday, March 4th also marks the midpoint of the 3rd quarter.  Please look for updated comments on PowerSchool starting Thursday, March 10th.  After reviewing your child’s progress, please contact their classroom teacher(s) with any questions or concerns.

On the evening of Thursday, March 10th we will have a (current 7th grade) Washington D.C. parent night at 7:00PM via Zoom.  We have scheduled an 8th grade trip for May 10th – 12th of 2023. Please see the Zoom link:  

Meeting Link: 

Meeting ID: 851 6355 2392

Passcode: 636255

We have a Superintendent’s Conference Day on Friday, March 11th.  There is no school for students on this day while our staff embarks on professional development.

Daylight Savings Time is Sunday, March 13th.  Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day – March 17th

We will announce our National Junior Honor Society recipients on Friday, March 18th.  Congratulations to all who receive this recognition.  Our induction ceremony will be at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 23rd on our PVMS stage.

Picture retakes will be on Wednesday, March 23rd during lunch periods.  We will also be taking whole group class pictures on this day.

New York State ELA assessments will take place on Wednesday, March 30th and Thursday, March 31st.

Our school is a safe place where we focus on not only academics, but also the social and emotional wellbeing of all children.  If you have any questions please remember to call the Middle School and we will get you the information you need. 

We look forward to everything continuing to open up in March as our students continue to grow. 


Travis W. McCarty
