Dear PVMS Families,

It is hard to believe that we have made it to December.  I am hopeful that you were able to enjoy Thanksgiving Break with your families.  Although it is a year unlike any other, it is important to recognize what we do have and to celebrate being with one another even if done so through technological means and/or other creative ways.  At this point we are welcoming in the winter season as it is rare we have not had snow yet but it does appear to be in the forecast.  

We know how difficult this year has been with the unpredictability of COVID-19 cases and the impact it has had on our educational environment.  Please know that any day we are forced to be remote for any reason, we will follow our “Monday remote schedule” of 42 minute periods with 4 minute transitions.  This will be reflected in PowerSchool.  Thank you for your flexibility during these unprecedented times.

This time of year brings wonder, excitement, and family gatherings and also brings attention to other emotions that build throughout the entire year.  This is a time to reflect on what went well and changes that could be made for the upcoming calendar year.  Emotions run high and it is extremely important to be sensitive to what everyone might be challenged with on a daily basis.  Please remind your children to be empathetic toward one another and to be responsive to everyone’s needs if possible.

Colder temperatures are upon us, so please have your children bundle up.  They should be wearing jackets and be prepared for outdoor recess and physical education classes while enjoying the fresh air.

There is always the possibility of snow or icy roads moving forward and to have a contingency plan in place.  In the case that we may have an early dismissal, it is imperative to provide your children with a house key or a plan to go to a neighbor’s or relative’s house.  We do not want your children to panic or need to make last minute plans as this will impact their emotional state and distress them in a time where this doesn’t need to be the case.  Create a plan and be prepared as this will help everyone to be where they need to be without creating stress during these situations. 

The Student Council will be hosting a Coat & Toy Drive for the month of December! We will be collecting coats, gloves, scarves, hats, mittens, and toys.  Items must be new or gently used and clean.  Thank you to all of our families that will be donating to this great cause!

Concert season is upon us!  We will have more information about the possibility of virtual band and chorus concerts coming in January.  A huge thank you to our students and staff in working together to produce something that we can share out to all friends and families.  We are excited to see this come to fruition.

Please mark your calendar as the week of 12/21/20 will be fully remote.  We will be remote on Monday, 12/21/20, Tuesday 12/22/20, and Wednesday, 12/23/20 for our students and staff.

Holiday Recess will begin on Thursday, 12/24/20 and go through Sunday, 1/3/21.  We will resume classes on Monday, 1/4/21. 

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season with your families.  Be sure to spend time with your children and discuss the importance of forming relationships, working hard, and building character.  It is through making good choices and setting examples for others that everyone learns and grows on a daily basis.  Monitor your child’s progress and partner with us in establishing the best experience possible for our children.  We look forward to an exciting 2021!


Travis W. McCarty
