Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Thank you so much to our community First Responders who came to our school to read to some of our classes this week!  We thank you for your service and for taking the time to share a book and teach our children more about what you do for us every day.  This was such a very special occasion, and we look forward to welcoming you back for more reading and sharing again soon!

Our PTA Fall Scholastic Book Fair opens this week! Parents are welcome to visit the school on Tuesday afternoon between 12:00 and 3:00 PM to shop at the Fair. (Parents won’t visit at the class visiting times). All students will visit the Fair with their classes according to a set schedule, and parents are welcome to use the E-Wallet payment system. Please check the PTA website and the Book Fair Flyer for more information. Happy reading!

There will be no school for students on this Tuesday, November 2nd. Teachers will be taking part in our Superintendent’s Conference Day meetings in the morning, and Elementary Parent/Teacher conferences will be held throughout the afternoon at PVES. Parent conferences are also scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 10th. Please make sure that you have signed up to meet with your child’s teachers. We look forward to this important communication.

Thank you to our Character Education & Diversity Committee for organizing the annual Thanksgiving Food Drive.  Thanks to your generosity, this committee works closely with the Putnam Valley Food Pantry each year. The goal is to be able to donate one full box of food from each PVES classroom to those in need. Last year, the Character Education & Diversity Committee also held a Coat Drive, collected new backpacks for students, and organized a Toy Drive during the holidays to make the season a little brighter for young ones. If you would like to provide a donation of food, a new coat, or a new toy, please do so. We greatly appreciate your help! Please reach out to Mrs. Kilduff with any questions. She can be emailed at lkilduff@pvcsd.org.

As the holiday season begins, we know that our some of our own PV families may find themselves in need of food, coats, backpacks, or holiday gifts for their children. We want you to know that we are here to help. Please reach out to a member of our clinical team (Laura Kilduff, ext. 1142, Susan O’Connell, ext. 1104, or Mary Sullivan, ext. 1116).  Your call will be confidential, and we will be happy to help make the holidays a little brighter!

PVES had a wonderful student-centered Halloween Parade on Friday! (You will be able to view this on our website). The children’s costumes were just wonderful, and the staff showed their amazing Halloween spirit as well! We love celebrating as a whole learning community, and the children’s smiles make every day so special. We hope that many of you will be able to attend the PVEF Trunk or Treat Event on Sunday, October 31st at 2:00. This will take place at the middle school. Enjoy!

The first quarter of the school year ends on this Friday, November 5th. This is a perfect time of year to set clear learning goals with your child and to settle into those great learning and homework routines that will help to ensure success throughout the rest of this school year.  Thank you for all you are doing to set your children up for success each and every day. They are so fortunate to have you on their side!

Have a safe and happy Halloween! We will see you at the P/T conferences!


Dr. Margaret Podesta

