Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Please join me in welcoming our new Assistant Principal, Mrs. Jennifer Picco, to Putnam Valley Elementary School tomorrow. Mrs. Picco comes to us from the Pleasantville School District, where she has served as Elementary Curriculum Coordinator and elementary teacher, with areas of expertise in Special Education and teaching English Language Learners. I look forward to working closely with Mrs. Picco every day, as we continue to put our students first and make PVES the best school it can be. Please be sure to introduce yourself to Mrs. Picco when you see her!

Our School Picture Re-takes will take place this Wednesday, October 27th. Please contact the PTA with any questions about retakes at putnamvalleypta@gmail.com.

All staff and students are invited to bring their Halloween costumes to school on this Friday, October 29th for afternoon festivities in our building. Please keep all costumes simple for wearing and free of scary masks or weapons.  We look forward to a child-centered day, and we thank you for your cooperation.

Thank you to the PTA for arranging for our Elementary Book Fair, which will take place from November 1st through November 5th on our stage area.  Classes will follow a visiting schedule for this event, and more information will be coming to you from the PTA.  We look forward to shopping for some great reading books!

Don’t forget that the PVEF Trunk or Treat Event will be taking place on Sunday, October 31st, at 2:00 in the Putnam Valley Middle School parking lot! If you have questions about this event, please email the Putnam Valley Education Foundation at PVEFNY@gmail.com. We look forward to this great Halloween fun! Thank you to the PVEF for the wonderful work they do for our school district!

Have you signed up for your 1st Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences yet? All faculty members can be reached at first initial last name @pvcsd.org. Conferences can be held in person or virtually. This is your choice.  Brief Progress Reports will also be distributed with each conference. Our teachers want to work closely with you throughout the year to support your child’s learning and growth.

I hope that you and your families are enjoying this beautiful fall weather.  It looks like we may have a few days of indoor recess and indoor physical education this week due to the rain, but we will hope for more sunny skies!

Have a great week ahead. Thank you for reading with your children each and every night!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
