Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you are enjoying this gorgeous day.  As we wind down the busy month of May, we look forward to finishing the school year strong, supporting our students as they work toward their academic goals, and celebrating all that we have accomplished together this year.

Our students are enjoying their virtual field trips, special classroom activities, and specific grade level celebrations.  All elementary classrooms enjoyed a special guest reader with our school-wide Virtual Community Read Aloud last Monday.  We thank our guest readers, and we look forward to holding this traditional event in person next year.  Our first graders were visited outside by a Two-by-Two Zoo last week.  More virtual events are scheduled for this coming week. We thank our PTA for supporting so many of these enriching events for our students.  We are so lucky to have such support!

Please be reminded that there will be no school on Monday, May 31st, in honor of Memorial Day. We pay tribute to all of those who have lost their lives for our country. We do have a full week of school this week, and PV schools will reopen on Tuesday, June 1st.

Our end-of-year, traditional Report Cards will be available online by the end of the day on Friday, June 25th.  These rubric-based Report Cards will also be mailed via U.S. mail to your homes by the end of June.

As you know, Thursday, June 24th will now be a half-day of school for our elementary students, with dismissal taking place at 12:00 noon.  There will be no school for elementary students on Friday, June 25th.

Please remember that we are not allowed to apply sunscreen on your children at school.  If you would like them to wear sunscreen for physical education or outdoor recess, please apply it at home in the morning.  We are certainly enjoying these sunny days!

Thank you for continuing to encourage great school attendance, punctuality, and consistent homework and bedtime schedules throughout this next month.  Our teachers are working hard to maintain a strong academic focus throughout June in order to support continued learning progress toward the end of this unique school year.  We also look forward to summer academic boost events that will be offered for all grade levels.

Enjoy the week ahead, and please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you for your positive feedback!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
