Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

And spring will be here! Thank you all for your wonderful efforts this week. Our students are working so hard, and we had so much fun wearing the color green and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day yesterday! Thank you to Mrs. Odell for arranging to have a wonderful bagpiper perform for our students as they walked in from the buses yesterday morning! At PVES, there is always something to celebrate!

We thank you for keeping your children home if they have even slight symptoms of illness. We want to keep everyone healthy! This past week, we were notified of one individual in our elementary learning community who had tested positive for Covid, but no contact tracing was necessary based on when that person was last in the building. We would always notify anyone who had to quarantine. I know we are all looking forward to this pandemic being far behind us, but please continue to be cautious. If you ever have any questions about symptoms or Covid testing, please reach out to our nurse, Mrs. Hill, at khill@pvcsd.org.

Have you ordered your yearbook yet? Please see the attached flyers for yearbook information. Thank you again to our wonderful PTA for all they do for our school community.

All remote families should have now filled out the Returning to School Survey, which is helping us to plan for the week of April 6th. If you have any questions about this, please contact me at mpodesta@pvcsd.org.

Spring Break will take place from Monday, March 29th, through Monday, April 5th. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, April 6th.

Our 3rd and 4th graders will be receiving updated information on state testing in ELA, Math, and Science this year. We will keep you posted on any changes, modifications and scheduled test dates. We are so very proud of all the learning that is taking place in our school.

Many of you will soon be receiving invitations for virtual parent conferences on the afternoon of Friday, April 16th. Elementary students will be dismissed at 12:00 PM on that day. This will mark the end of the third quarter of the school year.

Enjoy the sunny weekend ahead and the later hours of daylight. Thank you for supporting your children’s learning each and every day.

Dr. Podesta
