Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy Father’s Day to our wonderful PVES dads!  We hope you have enjoyed a wonderful day with your loved ones, and that you know how much you are appreciated in your children’s lives.  Thank you for supporting your children through this school year. It certainly has been eventful!

Congratulations to our fourth graders who are Moving Up to the middle school! This past Friday, we had a very festive 4th Grade Farewell Drive-By, complete with music, bubbles, announcements, a PTA Banner, moving up certificates, and our entire PVES Staff dressed in their colorful PVES Field Day tie-dye shirts! Together, we came together as a loving school community to celebrate the elementary years and the accomplishments of this wonderful group of children. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. DeBiase who donated their time and their amazing Bubble Bus, which helped to make this parade extra special.  It really added so much! A 4th Grade Moving Up Tribute Video will be available this week for all to see. We are so very proud of our students!

Narrative Report Cards for June 2020 are now available online and will also be mailed out via U.S. mail this week.  To view them online, please go to your child’s online folder in his/her Google drive called “Report Card” (English and Spanish versions).  Teachers know the formula (username and password) for accessing accounts, so if you have difficulty accessing the Report Card, your child’s teacher should be able to help. Hard copies of the narrative report card will arrive at your house soon.

Our Student Supply Pick-up and Drop-off Days are this week.  We will follow the schedule below, and staff members will be on the grassy flagpole circle in front of the school, ready to help:

Monday, June 22:

9:00-11:00  Grade 4 Drop-off/Pick up
12:00-2:00  Grade 3 Drop-off/Pick up

Tuesday, June 23:

9:00-11:00  Grade 2 Drop-off/Pick up
12:00-2:00  Grade 1 Drop-off/Pick up

Wednesday, June 24:

9:00-11:00  Grade K Drop-off/Pick up
12:00-2:00  Drop-off/Pick up for anyone who missed Grade Level time

If you are unable to attend your child’s grade level supply event, we will be available at school over the summer months for supply pick-up and return.

For the Supply Pick-up Dates, we ask that all parents follow these instructions:

Please have the first and last name of the student and the teacher’s name on the inside of the windshield of your car, clearly visible. Please make sure all items being returned are CLEARLY LABELED with your child’s name.  These will include completed schoolwork, library books (with sticky note with student name), laptops with sticky note, musical instruments, Safety Patrol belts, and classroom reading books.  As the cars proceed up the entrance to the school, they will be guided to drive past the front of the school and around the grass circle.  While circling the flagpole grassy area, family members will remain in cars and hand the returned materials to staff members at specific tables.  Student belongings will then be handed to you in your car.  Yearbooks will not be available for a few weeks.  We will make this a safe, organized, and efficient process for each grade level.

As our school year comes to an end, I want to express my sincere appreciation for all you have done to make these difficult months a time of success, learning, and joy for your child.  I thank our teaching staff for the great efforts they made to keep in touch with your children and to provide them with engaging learning opportunities. And I thank our PVES families, for taking one day at a time, and believing in your children and their school.  We will never forget this time in our lives, but your children will remember how they felt through it.

I wish you all a peaceful, happy, and very healthy summer.  We are all hoping for a normal return to school in September.  We at PVES miss those sweet kids so very much!

I will be in touch again soon.  We look forward to seeing many of you this week.

Dr. Podesta
