Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

The last week of this 2021-22 school year has arrived, and we have so much to celebrate! Together, we have worked to provide a remarkable year of learning and growth for our PVES students, and the summer has arrived for rest and rejuvenation. Thank you all for playing such an important part in our school’s success. We are so very proud of our PVES learning community!

Schools are closed on Monday, June 20th, in honor of Juneteenth. Our elementary school will dismiss at 12:00 noon on Thursday, June 23rd, and Friday, June 24th. Report Cards will be available late in the day on Friday afternoon, and they will be mailed via U.S. mail by the end of the month. Class placement for next year will be made available in late August.

All students exiting grades K through 4 have been sent an invitation to sign up for the Summer Boost Academy, which will be held from Monday, August 15th, through Thursday, August 18th, from 9:00 to 12:00 at PVES. Transportation will be provided. If you are interested in having your child attend this free program, please sign up on the Google form that was emailed this past week by 6/24.

Thank you to our PTA for providing our elementary students with a wonderful surprise again this year, The Bubble Bus! On Thursday afternoon, all grade levels went out to the side field where the Bubble Bus was waiting, with music, bubbles and all! The students loved it! Thank you to the PTA also for the Grade 3 Assembly (drummers) and for the 4th Grade Glow event on Friday. We appreciate all these extra activities so very much!

Thank you to Mrs. Aurigemma and to Mr. Heitman for organizing our Field Day, which took place on Friday, instead of Thursday, due to the rain. Although it was a humid day, the students had a great time participating in the engaging physical activity stations throughout the morning. There was lots of fun to be had!

This past Tuesday, our entire school gathered around the front flagpole, in their red, white & blue, to say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing together, in honor of Flag Day. Our students also took a moment to give a big, round of applause for all the adults who have worked so closely with them this year. This was a beautiful, patriotic morning, and as usual, our students made it extra special.

Thank you, parents, for your participation and enthusiasm with our Spirit Week themes this year! The children certainly enjoyed the special Spirit Days last week, with lots of laughter and energy. We appreciate your support!

At last week’s Board of Education meeting, Mrs. Pattie Barone, a teacher aide in our elementary school, was honored with the Pride in Putnam Valley Pride Award. We want to join in this celebration of Mrs. Barone, who continues to give her very best each and every day in our school, no matter what we need her to do. Congratulations, Pattie!

This week, we look forward to our 4th Grade Moving Up Ceremony on Wednesday morning. All attendees over the age of 1 year must have a ticket to enter, including any elementary siblings. Fourth grade families should not arrive at the school until after 9:30 AM, with the event starting at 10:00. Thank you so much for your cooperation. We are so proud of this fourth-grade class and we wish them the very best in the middle school!

As we close this school year, I would like to wish Mrs. Leslie Goldfine, a wonderful teaching assistant, a very happy retirement. Thank you, Mrs. Goldfine, for your many years of service to the Putnam Valley Central School District. We will miss you!

Happy Father’s Day to all our PVES dads! You play such an important role in the lives of these little ones, and your love, positivity, and devotion make all the difference. Thank you for all you do!

Enjoy this short but busy week of school. I wish all of you healthy, happy summer days, filled with relaxation and small moments that make big memories for you and your growing children.

Dr. Margaret Podesta
