Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you are all enjoying the snowy weather, and that your children had a chance to play outside on our beautiful snow day. It was wonderful to welcome our students back to school this week. They are so joyful and ready to learn!

As you know from Dr. Luft’s email this week, we are not able to complete full contact tracing at this time. However, if an individual should test positive in our building, the individual’s class will be notified to please watch for symptoms of illness. Parents, thank you for not sending your child to school with any illness symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, fever). This is how we will continue to keep our building healthy and safe.

This past week, our school building participated in a mandatory practice lockdown drill. Although our students maintained social distancing throughout this “talk through” drill, important safety protocols were reviewed in a safe and reassuring way. Thank you to our local police officers who visited our school to help facilitate the drill. It is wonderful to have such amazing community support.

Please be reminded that schools will be closed on Monday, January 17th, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, January 18th.

As we approach the midpoint of this school year, our teachers are very busy teaching and assessing our amazing PVES students. They are making so much progress! Due to quarantine and weather interruptions, we will now have our second quarter Report Cards available and mailed on Friday, January 28th. (This is one week past what we had planned). As always, if you have any questions about your child’s academic progress, please reach out to your child’s teacher(s) at any time.

We are looking forward to our Fourth Grade Winter Concert on January 26th. Fourth grade parents should have received important information about concert times and tickets. Please email me if you have any questions at mpodesta@pvcsd.org.

Have a wonderful week ahead. Stay warm!

My best,
Dr. Margaret Podesta
