Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Our PTA Spring Book Fair takes place this week!  Beginning tomorrow through Friday morning, each class is scheduled to visit the Book Fair in the Auditorium on a certain day at a specific time. If you would like to visit the Book Fair with your child’s class, please come to the school at the time of that scheduled class visit. (Your teacher has provided you with this schedule information). Books can be purchased with cash or with money in the E-Wallet. Please visit the PTA website for more information, or call the school if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting the efforts of the PTA and for fostering the love of reading with your child!

The winners of the PTA Penny Jars Competition have been announced. Please see the attached flyer in the Weekly Notices. Thank you all for your generosity and enthusiasm!

The Character Education and Diversity Committee is collecting donations for the Children’s Home in Poughkeepsie.  Please donate a new gift, such as a backpack, journals, gel pens, socks, lotions, hand sanitizers, earbuds, playdough/clay, fidgets, crafts, candy/chocolate, or gift cards. Collections are being gathered in the front lobby of our school. Thank you so much for helping your children to see the joy in giving to others in need.

On this past Friday, we wore blue in honor of World Autism Day, April 2nd. We also celebrated PV Pride Day with the first day of April, and, of course, April Fool’s Day. The holiday of Ramadan began on Saturday, April 2nd. We continue to learn more about important holidays celebrated here and around the world.

Congratulations to the fourth-grade scientists who were chosen to participate in the Virtual Tri-County Science Fair. Thank you to Mrs. Bruno and to Mrs. Broas for coordinating these efforts. We wish our scientists much luck with their projects! We are so proud of you!

Congratulations also to our first and second graders who were asked to participate in our first-ever March Madness After-School Reading Academy. This month-long program provided an extra boost in reading support after school hours, focusing on fluency and comprehension. Thank you so much to our participating teachers (Mrs. Boryk, Mrs. Burdett, Mr. Hogan, and Ms. Shalhoub) who provided such outstanding instruction to our growing readers!

This Thursday, April 7th, is School Picture Re-take Day!  Along with picture re-takes and picture make-ups, all group photos of classes will be taken on this day. Thank you to the PTA for facilitating this spring picture day.  We certainly have a busy week ahead!

This Friday, April 8th marks the end of our third quarter of the school year. Progress Reports will be mailed when we return from spring break. If you would like to meet with any of your child’s teachers (in-person or virtually), please email them to set up a conference time. We look forward to your child’s continued growth throughout the final quarter of the school year.

It has been wonderful to see more parents in the building over the past month. Your classroom teachers are arranging activities and small events to welcome parents into school this year. We know it has been a long period of “distancing,” and it is so important for your children to see you in school when possible. Welcome back!

Spring Break begins at the end of this week! Schools will be closed from Monday, April 11th through Friday, April 15th. Schools will re-open on Monday, April 18th.  I hope that you all enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation!

Thank you for being such wonderful partners in your child’s education!  Have a great week ahead and happy, healthy month of April!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
