Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Today we welcome the season of autumn, and we are all ready at PVES to “fall” into great books and lots of learning. Our classes are beginning to visit our school library for book exchange every other week, and the children are very busy working with their Scholastic materials and small group/guided reading instruction and center rotations in their classrooms. We will have lots to share about our reading and writing instruction this year, and I thank our wonderful teachers for all their efforts. Your children are in great hands!

Our PVES School Picture Day will take place on Monday, September 30th. Your children’s teachers will share the class schedule for that with you this week. There will be no school on Thursday and Friday of next week, October 3rd and 4th, in honor of Rosh Hashanah. Schools will also be closed on Monday, October 14th for Columbus Day.

Our Character Education theme for this month is “positive thinking.” All classes are reading a shared story this month, and teachers are connecting this theme to many conversations in the classroom. Please see below for a monthly Family Challenge from our Character Education & Diversity work. We welcome you to take part in these monthly challenges with your students. We are all growing together!

Family Challenge: This month, we ask you to pick an activity that you and your family would like to do together and go do it before the end of the month. Students can draw or write about the event and share it with their class!

I hope that by now your children are settled into a structured routine of homework, outdoor playtime, and an early bedtime on school nights. We thank you for supporting and encouraging regular attendance and punctuality each day. This helps your child start each morning feeling organized and ready for success!

Enjoy the beautiful week ahead. Thank you for your partnership and positive communication.

Dr. Margaret Podesta