Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Thank you for a wonderful week of learning and growth!  Our teachers are preparing to meet with you over the next two weeks at Parent/Teacher conferences to update you on your child’s progress so far this year.  Brief First Quarter Progress Reports will be shared with you at conferences, with official Report Cards being distributed at the end of January.  Please come to your conference with any questions you have about your child’s learning or behaviors.  We take pride in working closely with you in the best interests of your child.

As you know, the next few weeks are busy ones!  On Wednesday, October 31st, students are welcome to bring costumes to school to wear at a school-wide event, which is for staff and students only.  Children will bring their costumes back home in their backpacks that day.  Thursday, November 1st is a HALF DAY of school for our elementary students, with a 12:00 PM dismissal.  Parent/Teacher conferences will take place on Thursday evening at PVES.  There will be no school for PVES students on Tuesday, November 6th (Election Day), or Thursday, November 8th (daytime Parent/Teacher conferences).  Picture re-takes will take place on Friday, November 9th.  All schools will be closed on Monday, November 12th, in honor of Veteran’s Day.  Please check your calendars very carefully, as this is a busy time, and the month of November goes by very quickly!

Please be aware that there is a Facilities Project Vote on December 4th in PVCSD.  This vote will take place at the Elementary School from 6 AM to 9 PM.  If you have any questions, please contact the district office, or you are welcome to attend school district meetings on this topic.  Please see the district website for a link for information.

As the weather gets colder, please keep in mind that our elementary students go outside to play at recess almost every day.  Students should come to school with warm jackets (and hats and mittens, if necessary) so that they can enjoy fresh air and exercise before lunch.  Some students like to wear shorts even on very cool days, but it does get cold during recess.  Thank you!

Our Putnam Valley Education Foundation will be hosting the annual Trunk or Treat this weekend if weather allows! The event is now scheduled for Sunday, October 28th, at 2:00 in the middle school parking lot.  Please come to enjoy the spooky festivities.  Lots of fun will be had by all!

Have you joined the PTA and the PVEF yet? Memberships are low in cost, and they make such a difference to our students.  Thank you for your enthusiasm and any help you can give to these wonderful organizations!

Please check the Weekly Notices for upcoming events and information that may pertain to your child.  And please mark your calendar for the PVES Gym Show on Wednesday, November 14th, at 7:00 PM.  We look forward to watching our student athletes perform!  I would also like to remind all fourth grade Band students to practice their instruments, with good posture, on a daily basis as part of the homework routine.  This helps to build wonderful habits for the future!  We have so much PV Pride in our building!

Enjoy the weekend ahead.  Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Ms. Podesta
