Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy Thanksgiving Week! I hope that you are looking forward to some quality family time, and some special moments with your young children. This is the beautiful season of giving thanks, spending time together, and making new memories.

Thank you to all who supported our PTA/PVES Book Fair this past week. We truly appreciate all our PTA volunteers who made this Book Fair possible. We could not have this event without you! Thank you also to our PTA who surprised our faculty with snack treats on their long conference day. Your partnership is amazing!

Congratulations to our wonderful third and fourth-grade Gym Show Performers! Once again, the Olympic Gym Show was a huge success, and the student-athletes made us so proud. Thank you to Mrs. Aurigemma and to Mr. Heitman for their work with the students. It was a great show, performed twice during the school day, and once for the families in the evening. Bravo!

Thank you so much to all who contributed to our Thanksgiving Food Drive! A generous donation has been made to the local Food Pantry, thanks to our PVES families. Thank you to our Character Education & Diversity Committee for coordinating this. It feels so good to help others!

Our clinical team is now holding a Winter Coat Drive to help families in need. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Thank you for helping if you can do so. The colder days are coming! As the holiday season begins, we know that some of our own PV families may find themselves in need of food, coats, backpacks, or holiday gifts for their children. We want you to know that we are here to help. Please reach out to a member of our clinical team (Laura Kilduff, ext. 1142, Susan O’Connell, ext. 1104, or Mary Sullivan, ext. 1116). Your call will be confidential, and we will be happy to help make the holidays a little brighter!

Our skilled and caring teachers have now conducted their Parent/Teacher Conferences for the 1st Quarter of the school year, and Progress Reports have been distributed. Thank you so much for your participation in these very important meetings. As always, if you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please reach out to your child’s teacher for a meeting or phone call. Report Cards will be available at the midpoint of the school year, at the end of January.

Please be sure all jackets and hats are labeled (on the inside) with your child’s name. The students go outside for recess on most school days, and they sometimes remove their coats. Thank you for your help with this.

Enjoy the beginning of the holiday season. I wish you a warm and happy week ahead. We are grateful for you!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
