Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Please mark your calendars for the PV DISTRICT BUDGET VOTE on Tuesday, May 21st, from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Voting will take place in the PVES Cafeteria! It is very important that the Elementary Parent Voice is heard, so please be sure to vote on that day. Thank you!

This past week, we welcomed our new Kindergarten families to our Kindergarten Screening Days! We are so excited to welcome our newest class in September! If you have neighbors or PV friends who have a child who will be 5 years old by December 1st, please have them call our school at 845-528-8092. We want to be sure they are registered!

On Friday, we finished up our 6-session Springtime Reading Academy for a small group of 1st and 2nd graders. These young readers worked in small groups with teachers in the early morning before school to get a little boost to their reading skills. Thank you to the teachers who participated in this wonderful program, and thank you to the district for making it possible. Our school provides so many extra supports for our amazing students!

All K-3 parents received a Student Information Sheet via email to fill out online this past week. The information collected from these questions will help with student placement in classes for next year. Thank you for completing these questions by May 31st.

Happy Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week to our amazing PVES faculty! Our dedicated staff certainly makes PVES what it is… a caring, productive, and happy place to be! Thank you to our skilled staff members for all that they do each day, putting students first at all times. And thank you to our PTA for helping to celebrate them this week!

Please remember that elementary students (only) will have a half day of school on Thursday, May 23rd. Schools will then be closed from May 24th through May 28th in honor of Memorial Day. Schools will reopen on Wednesday, May 29th. There will be no school on Wednesday, June 19th in honor of Juneteenth. PVES students will dismiss at 12:00 on Tuesday, June 25th, and Wednesday, 26th.

Happy Mother’s Day next weekend to all our wonderful PVES moms, grandmothers, and caregivers! The role you play is an amazing one, and we thank you for all of your support. Have a very special day!

Let’s have a great week ahead. The calendar is busy, but we will be making the most of each and every day!

Dr. Margaret Podesta
