Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Welcome to Spirit Week at PVES! Our students and staff are so excited to embark on our special theme days this week, and the weather looks to be promising for our Field Day on Friday! Please be reminded that students are welcome to come to school dressed up for these special daily themes this week:

Monday, June 10th:  Crazy Hat & Hair Day

Tuesday, June 11th: Blue and White (Extra) Day

Wednesday, June 12th: Silly Socks and Style Day

Thursday, June 13th: Red, White & Blue Day

Friday, June 14th: Field Day shirts (Grade Level Colors)

Tomorrow is Crazy Hat & Hair Day, and we look forward to the fun!

Congratulations to our Kindergarten students on the outstanding job they did with their Kindergarten Show! Thank you so much to our Kindergarten teachers for working so hard with our talented young students. This musical show was amazing, and the standing ovation from the audience was so heartwarming. Thank you for your support!

Last week, all our classes participated in our Sustainability Fair, rotating through outdoor learning stations that focused on the important concepts of sustainability, recycling, natural energy, and caring for our planet. Thank you so much to Mrs. Bruno, Mrs. Broas, and to all our volunteers who facilitated these wonderful learning events!

This week, our classes in grades K-3 will take part in short, indoor sessions on Water Safety. Thank you to our friends from Wings Over Water who will be visiting PVES this week to provide these informative lessons for our children. We appreciate the community support.

Please be reminded that there will be no school on Wednesday, June 19th, in honor of Juneteenth. Our elementary students will have a half-day of school on both Tuesday, June 25th and Wednesday, June 26th, with 12:00 dismissals. Our Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony will take place on Monday, June 24th, at 10:00 AM. All attendees must have a ticket to enter. Our fourth-grade families will be receiving ticket information this week, with 3 tickets allowed for each family, due to space limitations.

Please have your children return all school library and classroom books this week. We will soon be packing up classrooms for the summer, and we would like all books returned. Summer Work Packets will be distributed by teachers soon, so that students have the opportunity to review their math and reading skills during the summer vacation. We also encourage all students to take part in our Summer Reading Challenge! We enjoy seeing our young readers check in for prizes on all Tuesdays during the summer. Please see the Weekly Notices for additional information from the local Putnam Valley Library, as they are offering great reading and learning opportunities this summer for children. Keep reading and learning together!

The invitation for Summer Boost Camp has been emailed to families of all our current students. We encourage participation in this 3-day program in August, and there is no cost to participate. We hope that all our students are reading, writing, and practicing math facts throughout the summer. Thank you!

Our PTA is hosting a Coin Jar Fundraiser in each classroom. Thank you so much for your contributions. And thank you to our amazing PTA for all their efforts this year!

Enjoy this last full week of school ahead. It will be a busy one, with lots of celebrating and fun ahead. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Thank you for all you do!


Dr. Margaret Podesta


Early Dismissal - Friday, December 20, 2024
Due to the forecast for inclement weather later today, all Putnam Valley Schools will dismiss ONE hour earlier than normal. All afterschool activities are canceled.