Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We hope you have enjoyed this gorgeous weekend, and that you are ready for the busy month of June at PVES. We begin with our Sustainability Fair this week (June 3-7), with each grade level having one day to rotate through morning outdoor stations to learn more about taking care of our Earth. Please carefully read the flyers that were sent home detailing the lunch plans for your child’s Sustainability Fair day. Thank you to Mrs. Bruno, Mrs. Broas, and to all our volunteers for making this event possible.

Our PVES Spirit Week will take place next week, June 10-14. Please see the special dress-theme days for this exciting week: (Thank you so much for your support with these days!)

Monday, June 10th:  Crazy Hat & Hair Day

Tuesday, June 11th: Blue and White (Extra) Day

Wednesday, June 12th: Silly Socks and Style Day

Thursday, June 13th: Red, White & Blue Day

Friday, June 14th: Field Day shirts (Grade Level Colors)

Congratulations to our 4th Grade students who so skillfully presented at their Colonial Day this past week. Thank you to our fourth-grade teachers who facilitated this important learning with living history. And thank you to the parents who attended this wonderful event! Our fourth graders are staying busy this week with their Revolutionary War Reenactment (more living history!) and their visits to the Middle School, to prepare for 5th grade. It’s definitely an exciting time of year!

We are looking forward to our Kindergarten Show this week. All Kindergarten families are welcome to join us on Thursday, June 6th, at 1:30 in our Auditorium. This performance is sure to make you smile!

A Connect Ed email was sent to all our elementary families this past week regarding our three August mornings of Summer Boost Camp (August 12-14, 9:00 to 12:00). These days will be meant for refreshing academic skills and supporting a smooth transition into the new school year. Please be sure to sign your child up if interested. This will help us prepare for this wonderful summer program.

We would like to wish a huge congratulations to our reading intervention teacher, Mrs. Alison Funicelli, on the birth of her daughter last week, Julia Rose. Julia is healthy and beautiful, and she is being warmly welcomed by big brother Luca. Best wishes to the whole Funicelli family!

Please be reminded that schools will be closed on Wednesday, June 19th, in honor of Juneteenth. Our elementary students will have half-days of school (12:00 dismissals) on Tuesday, June 25th, and Wednesday, June 26th.

Enjoy the beautiful week ahead. Our students keep learning and growing!

Dr. Margaret Podesta



Early Dismissal - Friday, December 20, 2024
Due to the forecast for inclement weather later today, all Putnam Valley Schools will dismiss ONE hour earlier than normal. All afterschool activities are canceled.