Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy 2019!  I hope that your holiday break was filled with family and friends, and that the new year is off to a hopeful and happy start!  Our students adjusted easily to being back in school this week, and our teachers were so happy to see them.  I was too!  January brings us a wonderful opportunity to start fresh, to set new goals, and to adjust our healthy and productive habits with great motivation.  Thank you for supporting your child’s regular attendance, positive learning, and strong reading and study habits as we begin the new year.

As we look ahead to the new year, please be sure that your children have an opportunity to read regularly at home, and to discuss their reading with you.  Along with their regular homework assignments, our students should read a variety of texts, including both fiction and non-fiction, and it is a wonderful idea to respond to the text in writing, and/or through discussion.  Reading aloud to your children is also extremely important, as children can develop a lifelong love of reading, beginning now.  Thank you for all you do to make reading a priority in your home.  The benefits are endless.

Our fourth graders will be performing their Winter Concert on Wednesday, January 30th.  Families are invited to the 7:00 PM show, which will be held in the PVES Auditorium.  We look forward to another wonderful performance at our school!

Schools will be closed on Monday, January 21st, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day.  Our weather has been cooperating so far this year, and we have not had many interruptions.  That is good news for consistency, learning, and growth!

Enjoy the first weekend of January!  We look forward to a full week of school next week.  Report Cards will be available at the end of the month.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.

Ms. Podesta