Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you all stayed safe and warm in the recent storm, and that these warmer temperatures are melting any remaining ice.  Our students are looking forward to getting outside for recess again soon, but the cold temperatures and rain have kept us in for a bit.  We know that fresh air and exercise help us all to access learning, and this is especially important during the winter months.

As you know, mid-year Report Cards will be available online tomorrow afternoon, January 25th.  Hard copies of these Report Cards will also be mailed to your homes, via U.S. mail.  If you have any questions about your child’s progress in school, please reach out to your child’s teachers directly.  All teachers can be reached via email by using the first letter of the teacher’s first name, last name, @pvcsd.org.  For example, my email is mpodesta@pvcsd.org.  We encourage positive communication between home and school, as this benefits everyone.

Tomorrow marks the midpoint of the school year.  This is a perfect time of year to check in with your child about good work habits, regular reading at home, healthy bedtimes, and homework and organizational routines.  Our teachers are seeing great learning progress at this point in the year, and I thank them sincerely for their wonderful efforts.  As always, regular attendance and punctuality should be encouraged.  I love the saying, “What is the most important word a child can say in school?”  The answer…”HERE!”

Our students continue to check in with their Mood Meters and Feeling Words every day, as part of the Yale RULER Emotional Intelligence approach.  As students become more able to recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate their emotions, they become better at approaching each day positively, becoming more able to access learning, make good decisions, and maintain strong physical and mental health.  This is true for adults too!  This is all part of our school district’s approach to teaching Social and Emotional Intelligence, which is of great importance throughout life.

Please check our Weekly Attachments.  The Character Education & Diversity Committee has provided a wonderful activity encouraging Acts of Kindness.  This is a great activity to share at home!

We are all looking forward to the Fourth Grade Winter Concert on Wednesday, January 30th.  Families are invited to the 7:00 PM performance in our PVES Auditorium.  We look forward to a wonderful show!

Enjoy the weekend ahead.  Thank you for supporting our school initiatives, and for all you do to encourage your child’s learning and growth.

Ms. Podesta

