Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope you have enjoyed the long weekend, as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Day and our country’s Inauguration Day. We look forward to a busy 4-day week ahead, with some cold temperatures on the way. If the weather is extremely cold, our students have indoor recess. We do not bring them outside to play in frigid temperatures.

We are looking forward to the 4th Grade Winter Concert this week! Families are invited to attend the concert on Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. Thank you to Mr. Durland and to Mrs. Bennett for all their hard work with our young musicians.

Thank you to our wonderful PTA for providing our students with the Family Fun Day this past Saturday. We know how much work goes into planning these amazing events. Thank you to all our families who were able to attend!

Please be reminded that there will be no school next Wednesday, January 29th, in honor of the Lunar New Year. Schools will reopen on Thursday, January 30th.

Our K-2 ELA Night on January 30th is sure to be a wonderful evening filled with learning. Please join us with your grade-level children to take part in literacy activities with our skilled faculty members. This is sure to be an informative and engaging evening! Thank you for returning your RSVP forms to our main office.

Please be sure to remind friends and neighbors that all families with children who will be 5 years old by December 1st, 2025, may call our main office to sign up for Kindergarten! Kindergarten registration will be taking place next month, with Kindergarten screening being held later in May. Our school phone number is 845-528-8092. We look forward to welcoming our newest students!

We are quickly approaching the midpoint of the school year, with Report Cards being sent out and available online by February 7th. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teachers. We value this communication.

Have a great week ahead. Stay warm!

Dr. Margaret Podesta