Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We hope that the month of January is turning out to be a healthy and happy one for your household. Although some of our children have been sick with winter viruses, we do not have high numbers of flu cases at this time. Please encourage your children to wash their hands regularly and use good health habits that include getting enough rest and eating healthy foods. We are all hoping for a busy and productive winter season.

Our Kindergarten families are all invited to attend the Chinese New Year Celebration on Thursday, January 23rd, at 2:00 in our Auditorium. The students will sing some songs, and information will be shared about this pilot language program that has been taking place weekly in our Kindergarten classes this year. We look forward to a wonderful afternoon.

It is time to tell your friends and neighbors that Kindergarten Registration time is here! All families with children who will be turning 5 years old by December 1st, 2020 should call the school to sign up for a registration appointment. The school phone number is 845-528-8092. After registration, Kindergarten Screening days will take place in May.

Our fourth graders will be performing their Winter Concert on Wednesday, January 29th, at 7:00 PM. Fourth grade families and friends are welcome to attend this wonderful musical event. Thank you for marking your calendars.

There will be no school on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Schools will reopen on January 21st. Looking ahead to February, schools will be closed from Monday, February 17th through Friday, February 21st. February is sure to be a quick month!

Our elementary school will celebrate Sports Jersey Day on Friday, January 31st…right before Super Bowl Weekend! Staff and students are welcome to wear sports jerseys, t-shirts, or sweatshirts that relate to a local, school, or professional team, or another outside sporting activity. Our school community events help to support our strong, positive culture.

We are quickly approaching the mid-point of this academic year, the end of the second quarter. Teachers are assessing students and providing support, enrichment, and interventions where needed. If you have questions about your child’s learning progress, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher. Strong communication between home and school is essential to your child’s success.

Enjoy the long weekend, and please be careful if any snow or ice comes our way. We look forward to seeing our students on Tuesday morning!

Ms. Podesta
