Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope you have all stayed warm and safe in during our recent cold spell. It looks like the week ahead will be much warmer, and the children will be outside for recess each day. Please be reminded that all students should be wearing winter jackets to school during the winter months. We do allow the children to play outside each day for 25 minutes, which gives them all a chance to get fresh air, exercise, and a chance to socialize outside of the classroom. Thank you for making sure that the children are dressed appropriately for winter temperatures.

All elementary Report Cards were made available online on this past Friday at 4:00. If you are having trouble viewing your child’s Report Card, please email your child’s teacher directly. Hard copies of these mid-year reports will also be mailed to your homes via U.S. mail this week. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers at any time. Communication between home and school is key!

All K-4 parents have been invited via email to our upcoming Scholastic Literacy Night on Thursday, February 16th, at 6:00 PM. School-aged children are welcome to attend, as babysitting will be available. We are also serving pizza to our attendees, and we look forward to a wonderful evening. As you know, PVES adopted a new Literacy Program this year, and we are eager to share the details of the components of this rich curriculum to parents. Presentations will be available in Spanish as well as English. If you would like to attend, we ask that you please RSVP via the email link that was sent out last week. Thank you so much for your participation!

Congratulations to our Kindergarten students on the wonderful job they did celebrating the Lunar New Year in their Mandarin Celebration this past week. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend. Our youngest students certainly made everyone smile with their amazing speaking and singing! I would like to thank Ms. Tina and Ms. Wendy, our Mandarin teaching assistants, who make this learning possible in grades 1 through 3. We are so fortunate!

This Friday, February 10th, is Sports Jersey Day, in honor of the Super Bowl! All staff and students are invited to wear sports jerseys or t-shirts of any kind, including shirts from local teams, dance and gymnastics studios, karate clubs, etc. We want to recognize the enjoyment that can come with the love of sports and fitness, and, of course, the importance of sportsmanship. We look forward to another community-based theme in our wonderful school.

February is Black History Month, and our students continue to learn the importance of this history through activities in ELA and Social Studies. We thank our Character Education & Diversity Committee for providing our classroom teachers with wonderful resources to support these lessons throughout the year.

Thank you to our amazing PTA for the grade-level events they are providing for our elementary students. Please always check the calendar carefully for upcoming events. We thank our PTA volunteers for their wonderful creativity and efforts!

Please remember to donate to the Pajama (and book) Drive if you can. We are so lucky to be able to help others in need.

We are looking to forward to celebrating our 100th Day of School this week! Our students are making such wonderful progress at this point in the year. Thank you for prioritizing good attendance and punctuality each day. This makes such a difference!

Schools will be closed for Winter Break from February 20th through February 24th. Schools will reopen on Monday, February 27th. February will be a quick month!

Have a great week ahead! Thank you for your ongoing support.

Dr. Margaret Podesta
