Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you are all enjoying a wonderful winter break! We look forward to seeing all our students on Monday morning, February 27th. Where did the month of February go?

Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on Friday, March 10th. This is a Superintendent’s Conference Day for our faculty. Please also be prepared for any snow days, early dismissals, or 2-hour delays that could happen in the month of March. We have not had much winter weather yet, but there is still time!

Thank you to so many parents who were able to attend our wonderful PVES ELA/Scholastic Literacy Night last week! Thank you especially to our teacher presenters (Mrs. Gannon, Ms. Shalhoub, Mrs. Burdett, Ms. Castellanos, and Mr. Hogan) for their outstanding work with our parents that evening. Thank you also to Mrs. Jackie Levine who introduced our parents to our amazing Scholastic Book Room. It was a fantastic evening of curriculum learning, and we look forward to planning more parent workshops soon!

This week, our students will celebrate Read Across America Day in their elementary classrooms on Thursday, March 2nd. We also invite all staff and students to wear blue and white on Friday, March 3rd, for PV Pride Day! Students are welcome to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th.

Our fourth-grade scientists will present at the Science/Maker Fair on Wednesday, March 8th, from 6:30 to 7:10 PM. This event will take place in the elementary Auditorium. We also look forward to our PVES Musical, “Annie,” on Friday night, March 24th, at 7:00 PM. There is always a lot going on at PVES!

Enjoy the weekend! We are looking forward to a very productive month of March, full of growth and learning.

Dr. Margaret Podesta
