Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy Holidays!  Thank you truly for the gifts and wonderful greetings of the season at PVES this week!  We all so appreciate your kindness and generosity.  This holiday time reminds us all of how fortunate we are to live and work in such a caring community.  And your children certainly add to the excitement of the season, each and every day.

Today is our school-wide Pajama Day, and students and staff are looking very cozy as they take part in their classroom activities.  Tomorrow, all staff and students are invited to wear holiday sweaters or festive wear throughout the day.  The classes will come together for a whole-school Sing Along in the afternoon, and we will then be ready for the holiday break.  Schools will be closed from December 24th through January 1st.  We all look forward to starting 2019 with renewed goals and great motivation.

Thank you to our visiting students from PVHS who will come to PVES for holiday caroling tomorrow.  We love having our high school students visit the elementary school, and the festive music will be greatly enjoyed by our students.  Thank you to Dr. Micera for organizing this event.

Thank you for the many contributions to the Holiday Toy Drive!  These wonderful donations of new toys for children were dropped off at the local charity today.  We thank all of you for your generosity and care!

When we return to school in January, we will be working toward the end of the first quarter at the end of the month.  Report Cards will be available on January 25th.  It is sure to be another year of great growth and progress!  Please always reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any academic concerns.  We encourage regular communication between home and school.

Enjoy the holiday break.  May it be a time of peace and joy shared with your loved ones.  I wish you all the very best in the new year.

Ms. Podesta