Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy December! I hope that you and your families enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! We have so much for which to be grateful, and these holidays are such treasured family times.

As you know, our elementary school will be having a planned lockdown drill this week. This mandated drill will be supervised by police officers, and it will take about 10 to 15 minutes. Our safety drills are always done with great care and reassurance for our young students. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Our Character Education & Diversity initiatives are always in motion at PVES. Our theme for the month of December is the word “Responsible.” Please see below for information about a Family Challenge correlating with this theme. We will also be holding a Toy Drive for the holidays. Please begin to send in new, unwrapped toys to donate to those in need. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Family Challenge: This month, we challenge you and your child to decide on one new responsibility your child will take on for the month. At the start of the month, decide as a family what new “task” your child will be responsible for. Each time they fulfill their job, students can add a sticker (or check mark, smiley face etc.) to their chart. Students are welcome to bring their chart in at the end of the month to share what they were responsible for! Some examples include:

  • making their bed
  • unloading the dishwasher
  • setting the table
  • feeding your pet
  • unpacking their backpack
  • packing a snack

It is certainly a festive time of year! All elementary staff and students are welcome to wear Pajamas to school on Friday, December 13th. This will be a warm and cozy day to help bring in our season of winter. Our Festive Wear Day (holiday colors, hats, jingle bells, etc.) will be held on Friday, December 20th. We look forward to the holiday fun!

All parents of 4th Grade students who are interested in participating in the PVES Science/Maker Fair are welcome to attend the virtual informational meeting on this Thursday, December 5th, at 6:00 PM with Mrs. Bruno and Mrs. Broas. Please see the email that was sent out about this meeting containing the virtual meeting link.

We have 3 full weeks of school before the holiday break. Let’s make them great weeks of learning, growth, and celebration.

Dr. Margaret Podesta