Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that this message finds you safe, relaxed, and enjoying the summer. We are busy here at the elementary school preparing for a wonderful year ahead. Please know that our Kindergarten families will be receiving class placement information in the mail by early next week.  Families with students in grades 1 through 4 will be receiving placement information via email by Tuesday, August 24th.  We are all looking forward to a year of great growth and learning!

I would like to share that our Assistant Principal, Mr. Tom Chickery, will be leaving PVCSD at the end of this month.  I would like to thank Mr. Chickery for his outstanding service to our students and families, and I wish him the best of luck in his new administrative position.  Mr. Chickery has made many contributions to PVES, especially during these challenging times, and he will be greatly missed.

Our Assistant Principal search is underway now.  As we move through the selection steps, we will keep you informed on the process.

Schools open on Thursday, September 2nd.  Transportation information will be included with your placement information, along with many other notices that you should review with care. Please continue to read the Weekly Word each week, beginning in September.  Your children benefit greatly from you being informed and involved.

Enjoy the remaining days of summer. We can’t wait to see your precious children!


Dr. Podesta