Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

This week, we welcome the month of May! We are all hoping that this weekend’s April showers bring beautiful May flowers to Putnam Valley!

All elementary parents should have received the Third Quarter Progress Reports in the mail this past week. As always, please reach out to your child’s teacher(s) if you have any questions or concerns. Our teams have been reviewing student academic data this week, and we are amazed at our students’ progress in math and reading, including our Fundations (phonics/word study/phonemic awareness) Program, literacy and comprehension, and mathematics. Thank you to our skilled teachers who provide such direct and explicit instruction to our students in all content areas. Let’s make it a very strong fourth quarter!

Please mark your calendars and plan on casting your vote in the School Budget Vote/Election on Tuesday, May 16th. It is always important that elementary parent voices are heard. Voting will take place at PVES from 6 AM to 9 PM that day. (Our cafeteria will still be serving lunch to our students on that day).

Our third graders will be performing in their spring Recorder Concerts on the evening of Wednesday, May 10th.  All third-grade families should check the concert schedule carefully, as there will be two short concerts with 3 classes performing in each. We look forward to these wonderful performances!

Our PVES Field Day will be taking place on Friday, June 2nd, with a rain date of Monday, June 5th. On Field Day, all students will wear their designated grade-level colored t-shirts, and these “Field Day” shirts can be ordered and used for Field Day throughout the elementary years. (In other words, the t-shirt color for that class will not change throughout the K-4 years). Order forms for these shirts were sent home last week.

Our Putnam Valley Education Foundation (PVEF) and our PTA are welcoming volunteers! These two parent groups do so much to make our school district what it is! Please consider signing up to volunteer in any way for the PVEF and PTA. We know how busy our elementary parents are, but even a little bit of time can help in a big way! If you have any questions, you can visit their websites, or email me at mpodesta@pvcsd.org. Thank you!!

As we head into this time of “Teacher Appreciation,” I want to thank our wonderful faculty and staff for making PVES such a happy, child-centered, and productive learning environment. We thank our teachers for their dedication to our students and for their amazing ability to keep learning and growing. That’s what we do best at PVES. Thank you, teachers!

Have a terrific week ahead. Please always reach out with any questions or concerns.


Dr. Margaret Podesta


