Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Welcome to the final month of April! It looks as though we will have several cool days ahead, but spring is in the air, and on the schedule! We know how busy this time of year can be for our elementary families, and we thank you for your continued support of your child’s strong attendance and punctuality, good homework and reading habits, and motivation to keep growing. Progress Reports have been mailed out, and we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns.

Have you signed up to attend our Family Math Game Night with your children yet? This will be a fun hour of family math games on Wednesday, May 17th, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. This is not a drop-off event, as parents get to join in the fun! Please RSVP to mpodesta@pvcsd.org and let me know if you can make it! Dessert treats will be served.

Many of our classrooms celebrated Earth Day this past week with classroom activities that taught about caring for our Earth, the concept of sustainability, and recycling. Our Sustainability Festival will be taking place in June, with each grade level having a designated day to take part in outdoor stations teaching about these important concepts. More information to come!

Our third graders will be performing in their spring Recorder Concerts on the evening of Wednesday, May 10th. All third-grade families should check the concert schedule carefully, as there will be two short concerts with 3 classes performing in each. We look forward to these wonderful performances!

Our PVES Field Day will be taking place on Friday, June 2nd, with a rain date of Monday, June 5th. On Field Day, all students will wear their designated grade-level colored t-shirts, and these “Field Day” shirts can be ordered and used for Field Day throughout the elementary years. (In other words, the t-shirt color for that class will not change throughout the K-4 years). Order forms will be sent home for all new orders this year.

“Girls in Sports Day” will be held at Putnam Valley High School on Sunday, April 30th, from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Please see the attached flyer in our Weekly Notices.

Looking ahead to summertime, we do plan on offering a Summer Boost Week (4 days) for all students exiting grades K-4 from August 14th through August 17th (9:00 AM-12:00 PM). These days are free for students, and transportation is included. Please mark your calendars if you think your child could benefit from these engaging summer learning boost days.

Please plan on casting your vote in the School Budget Vote/Election on Tuesday, May 16th. It is always important that elementary parent voices are heard. Voting will take place at PVES from 6 AM to 9 PM that day.

Have a wonderful week ahead! Don’t put those coats and jackets away just yet!


Dr. Margaret Podesta




