Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Our students will be dismissed at 12:00 today so that Parent/Teacher Conferences can be held this afternoon. If you would like to reach out to one of your child’s teachers for a conference or a call, please contact the school at 845-528-8092, or email them directly. We have now begun the fourth quarter of the school year, and we welcome the chance to communicate with you directly. Progress Reports will be mailed home next week.

Thank you to the students in our high school MAGMAH program who visited some of our elementary classrooms this week. We welcome the chance to bring our students of different ages together, and the PVHS students are always so warm and positive with our students.

The Third Grade Recorder Concert will take place this Thursday, April 26th, at 7:00 PM in our Auditorium. This is always a special event, and we look forward to seeing our wonderful third graders make beautiful music for us!

Please note that our Elementary Open House Nights will take place in early May. Families of students in Grades K-2 are invited to PVES on Monday, May 7th, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. Families of students in Grades 3-4 are invited on Wednesday, May 9th, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. We look forward to welcoming you into our classrooms and displaying the wonderful student work. You will be amazed!

Our students are finally getting to enjoy the playground almost every day at recess. Please make sure that the children wear safe play shoes for recess. You may have heard that there are some incredible jump rope contests going on at each grade level for those who choose to participate. We thank Mrs. Riley for the many activities she has added to our recess choices this year. It is such an important part of the learning day.

Enjoy the weekend ahead. Thank you for your positive communication with your child’s teachers as we head toward the final stretch of this busy school year. It is so important that we work together in order to head into next year set up for student success!


Ms. Podesta

Friday, January 31, 2025
Due to anticipated weather conditions, all Putnam Valley Schools will operate on a three-hour delay.