Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We have had a wonderful return to school after spring break, and it started to feel like summer very quickly! We are all so fortunate that our classrooms are air-conditioned and comfortable for learning! We are off to a great start as we begin the fourth quarter of the school year!

Third Quarter Progress Reports will be mailed to you by next week. Report Cards will be mailed at the end of June. As always, if you have any questions regarding your child’s academic progress, please reach out to your child’s teachers. We want to communicate with you at this very important time of the school year.

Have you signed up to attend our Family Math Game Night with your children yet? This will be a fun hour of family math games on Wednesday, May 17th, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. This is not a drop-off event, as parents get to join in the fun! Please RSVP to mpodesta@pvcsd.org and let me know if you can make it! Dessert treats will be served.

We are preparing for our May Kindergarten Screening Days at PVES! If you have a child who will be 5 years old by December 1st, 2023, please be sure to call the school at 845-528-8092. It is important that all students planning to start Kindergarten September are registered. Please remind your neighbors and Putnam Valley friends as well!

I would like to officially welcome Mr. Nick Singer to our PVES family for the remainder of the school year. Mr. Singer is a certified physical education teacher who is replacing Mr. Heitman during this time. We wish Mr. Heitman the very best, and we thank Mr. Singer for his excellent work with our elementary students.

All PVES parents of students in grades K-3 received an email on Friday providing the opportunity to give us information about your young learners as we begin to work on class placement for next year. You are welcome to fill this out before May 5th. We welcome your input.

Our students participated in both a lockdown drill and a fire drill this past week. I commend our students and staff for carefully and respectfully following all safety protocols as we conduct these mandatory practice drills. As a district, we are always working on improving safety measures, along with reassuring the children that we are safe.

All students should be reminded that toys and electronics should not be brought to school. This includes trading cards, small toys, and communication devices. We thank you for your support of our school policies.

This past week, our students enjoyed a dynamic whole-school assembly introducing the Harlem Wizards Basketball team. The Harlem Wizards will be performing on this Thursday night, April 20th, at PVHS. Be sure to get your tickets to this exciting event.

Congratulations to our fourth-grade scientists who presented their research projects to the Board of Education members this past week. Our young scientists make us so proud, and the community support is wonderful!

Please be sure to check the calendar carefully during these busy spring months. We have a nice stretch of school days throughout the next quarter, but they will certainly go quickly. Enjoy every moment.

Thank you for all you do to make PVES such a happy and successful community school. Our students continue to thrive, and we couldn’t make this happen without you.

Have a great week ahead!


Dr. Margaret Podesta