Putnam Valley Elementary School
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Dear PVES Families, I hope that this message finds you safe, relaxed, and enjoying the summer. We are busy here at the elementary school preparing for a wonderful year ahead. Please know that our Kindergarten families will be receiving class placement information in the mail by early next week.  Families with students in grades 1 through 4…
Dear PVES Families, We made it!  Happy last day of the school year! Despite the many challenges that we have all had to face this year, our PVES children have grown so much. We are so very proud of them, and we thank you for all of your incredible support.  The summer is here! Please enjoy it!! Report Cards:  Our…
Dear PVES Families, And the last week of the school year has arrived. Congratulations to all of you for your amazing flexibility, resilience, and care that you have put into supporting your young children this year.  We are all so proud of what we have been able to accomplish together this year, and I know the…