Dear PVMS Families, We hope you are enjoying a well-deserved reprieve from schoolwork and are enjoying time with your families.  Please don't forget to get outside and play and take a break from electronic devices. On behalf of the staff of the Middle School, we wish you a happy, healthy and restful summer.  The 4th quarter and…
Dear PVMS Families, June is here and we are excited for many end of the year activities.  Please check in with your children to ensure that they are putting in the time and effort to be successful over this final stretch. Key Calendar Events Monday, June 4th - 8th Grade Integrated Science Written Assessment Friday, June 8th – Earth…
Dear PVMS Families, The month of May has arrived with the sight of flowers and warmer weather.  You will see our students have many opportunities to blossom as well.   Please join us in finishing strong these last two months of school.  Children will be busy with activities outside of school, but this reminds us to stay…
Dear PVMS Families, We have made it to April and warmer weather is on the way.  April showers bring May flowers.  This is a special time of year where we see growth not only in nature but our children as well.  We must stay focused on our goals and continue to work hard. Although most middle school…
Dear PVMS Families,

It is hard to believe that it is March already!  The saying “In like a lion, out like a lamb” always resonates with me as I think about our middle school children.  Our children have great potential to be inspiring leaders like lions, yet also show qualities of a lamb in developing…

Dear PVMS Families, Welcome to February and the midpoint of the school year.  We have a month full of activities and learning planned for your children.  Please take the opportunity to speak with your children and partner with us regarding digital citizenship and the proper use of technology as we continue to encourage students to make…