As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, I am reminded of all that I am grateful for this year. I am especially thankful for my friends and family both at home and in school. I am thankful to be part of the Putnam Valley School community, surrounded by talented and passionate staff members, doing whatever is needed to…

A reminder on Veterans Day... Dear Putnam Valley School Community,

In recognition of National First Responder Appreciation Day, the Putnam Valley School District has partnered with United For The Troops for their Defend the Holidays donation drive.  United For The Troops is a not-for-profit organization established in 2007 with a mission to bring comfort to…

Please join us for one of these opportunities to learn together.

What Parents Need to Know About AI

Join PVCSD Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Jackie Levine for an introductory session for parents about Artificial Intelligence What do parents need…

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

This evening, the school district was contacted by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department regarding a report filed this evening accusing a student of being in possession of a weapon while at a high school event last weekend.

The Sheriff’s Department promptly began an investigation and has already made contact with…