Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

As we reach the midpoint of this school year, I would like to thank you for your continued partnership with us in your child’s education. We are so very proud of our PVES students, and although we have faced many challenging times over these past couple of years, these children continue to thrive and shine! Mid-year (second quarter) Report Cards will be available online on this Friday, January 28th, after 4 PM. Hard copies will be mailed via U.S. mail by next week. As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress, please reach out to the teacher(s). Communication between home and school is extremely important, and our teachers are ready to answer any questions you may have.

We are looking forward to our in-person Fourth Grade Winter Concert on this Wednesday, January 26th. Fourth Grade families must reserve their tickets ahead of time, as social distancing guidelines will be followed. Each fourth-grade class has been assigned a specific concert time, so we ask that you please check the schedule carefully. These performances will be held at the HIGH SCHOOL, and the concert will be live-streamed! Therefore, anyone who is not able to attend the concert will be able to view it from home.

Plans are now under way for our Fourth Grade Science/Maker Fair! All fourth-grade families should carefully review the notice that was sent out to 4th grade parents regarding the Virtual Meeting being held on this Tuesday, January 25th, at 6:00 PM. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Science/Maker Fair Coordinators: Mrs. Bruno (jbruno@pvcsd.org) or Mrs. Broas (ebroas@pvcsd.org). We encourage all our fourth-grade students to participate!

On Tuesday, February 1st, all staff and students are invited to wear the color red in honor of the Chinese New Year! Our Kindergarten, First, and Second Graders are truly enjoying and benefiting from their weekly Mandarin lessons.  We are so fortunate to have this language and cultural program available to our young learners.  We thank the Putnam Valley CSD Board of Education for their support!

Stay warm during this “heart” of the winter. Please be reminded that we have a large Lost & Found collection in the main hallway of our school near the Health Office. Your children are welcome to look for their lost jackets, sweatshirts, hats, mittens, etc.

Have a great week ahead!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
