Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy Holidays! I hope that you are all well and enjoying this festive time of year! Our school will be open this week through Thursday, with our holiday break beginning Friday, December 24th. Schools will reopen on Monday, January 3rd, 2022. I wish you the happiest of holiday seasons!

This Thursday is Festive Wear Day at PVES! All staff and students are invited to wear holiday colors, hats, decorations, jingle bells, etc! We love our whole-school special days, and this will make for a great holiday send-off. (Pajama Day was so much fun last week!) These children keep us all smiling!

We are all working hard to be sure that our school stays healthy and safe. Please be reminded that if your children are quarantined for reasons outside of school, you will need to provide a Department of Health Quarantine Release email to us before your child returns. Please also know that Quarantine Instructional Support is only given to students who are on an official Contact Tracing list. (If your child is absent for any other reason, they will not join live Google Meets). Thank you for your understanding. We want everyone to be healthy and well!

January will be here before you know it, and our teachers will be very busy preparing for the mid-year assessments and Report Cards that will be distributed at the end of the month. We are so very proud of our students who come to school ready to learn and prepared with homework each day. Please keep reading with your children daily over the break. We look forward to their continued progress throughout the rest of the school year!

Thank you for your generous contributions to our Holiday Toy Drive. If you are a family who could use some extra holiday help, please reach out to Mrs. Kilduff at lkilduff@pvcsd.org. We are all in this together!

At PVES, we wish all of you a wonderful holiday season. May the joy of the holidays be with you and yours. And remember, the small moments are the most memorable!

Happy New Year!

Dr. Podesta

