Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy December! This is such a festive month, and our students are coming to school every day ready to learn and prepared with their homework for the day. This mean so much, as children learn early about the benefits of preparedness, organization, and responsibility. We look forward to the last few weeks of 2021, as they will certainly fly by.

Thank you to our PTA who provided all K-4 grade levels with a virtual assembly focusing on Kindness & Gratitude this past week. This assembly supported the wonderful work being led by our Character Education & Diversity Committee along with our Social Emotional Learning lessons in our classrooms. At PVES, we take pride in being Kind, Safe, Respectful, and Responsible, and these wonderful traits carry through in all that we do.

Please be sure to register for the free event this Saturday at PVES. The PTA is hosting the first ever Winter Wonderland, and it is sure to be a great time. Please see the attached notice about this registration. The event will be held from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at the elementary school, and it will be held both inside and outside. A food truck will be on site for lunch or refreshments!

Our holiday break will begin on Friday, December 24th, and will run through Sunday, January 2nd. Schools will reopen on Monday, January 3rd.

Our whole-school Pajama Day will be held on Friday, December 17th. Our Festive Wear Day will be held on Thursday, December 23rd. Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold our whole-school Student Holiday Sing Along this year, but we do look forward to our in-person Fourth Winter Concert after the new year!

I hope that you and your families are staying well. Please remember that if your child is quarantined due to reasons outside of school, we will need your Department of Health Quarantine Release forms emailed to us before your child can return to school. Our elementary building has been safe and healthy these past few weeks, but if your child is exhibiting any symptoms of illness at all, it is important to keep your child home. If you have any questions, please email our school nurses at khill@pvcsd.org and fmurphy@pvcsd.org.

Please continue to read with your children each and every day. We are excited to share that all elementary students will soon be visiting our school library and borrowing library books to read at home again. Please enjoy these books with your children, and foster the love of reading. This makes all the difference!

Have a great week ahead. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Dr. Margaret Podesta
