Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Thank you to our wonderful PTA volunteers who worked so hard to make the Fall Book Fair such a great success! All classes were able to visit the Fair this week, with many children visiting for a second time when the schedule allowed. We are using all our school spaces to allow for social distancing and spaced lunches, so we appreciate everyone’s flexibility with our stage area location for the Fair. As always, we make things happen at PVES!

Please note our November calendar dates. Scheduled Parent/Teacher conferences will take place at PVES on this Wednesday, November 10th during evening hours. (Earlier conferences took place on Superintendent’s Conference Day, November 3rd). Some Parent/Teacher conferences are taking place during school days, both virtually and in-person. Please note that no instructional days were interrupted or cancelled for these important conferences this year. Elementary students (only) will be dismissed on Wednesday, November 24th, at 12:00 PM, for a half-day before Thanksgiving break. Schools will also be closed on this coming Thursday, November 11th, in honor of Veteran’s Day.

Thank you to so many of you who have already donated to our Thanksgiving Food Drive! Each classroom is aiming to fill a box of donated foods to bring to the local food pantry. We will also soon be hosting a Coat Drive and a Toy Drive in December. We thank you for participating in this season of caring and giving, and we hope that your children understand how important this is as well.

I am very pleased to welcome our new additional school nurse to our elementary health office on Monday. Mr. Frank Murphy will join our PVES staff and will be working closely with Mrs. Hill to manage our building health and safety needs. Please take the time to introduce yourself to Mr. Murphy and to help him feel welcome at PVES. His experiences in health care make Mr. Murphy a valuable addition to our team.

We were excited to celebrate our “blue and white” PV Pride Day for the month of November on Friday! At PVES, we thank you for all you do to send your children prepared and ready to learn at school each and every day. I am so very proud of the wonderful growth our amazing students show each year in their learning. PVES is a fantastic place to learn, with happy and engaged students, talented teachers, amazing student data, and a very supportive community. Let’s keep up the great work!

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend, and have a great week ahead!

Dr. Margaret Podesta
