Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you are enjoying this long weekend with your families. We are looking forward to a great 4-day week ahead at PVES. We stayed very busy last week with Fire Safety Week. Thank you so much to the Putnam Valley Volunteer Fire Department for spending a full day at our school and visiting with all our classes outside as they viewed the big fire trucks.  We also thank the Fire Department for the fire hats and books they distributed to our students. We always appreciate the amazing community support we receive in Putnam Valley from those who work so hard to keep us safe.

The end of our first quarter of the school year is quickly approaching in early November. Please be sure that you have signed up for a parent/teacher conference time with your child’s classroom teacher and any support staff with whom your child works. All faculty can be reached via email at first initial, last name@pvcsd.org. These conferences will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday, November 2nd, the evening of Wednesday, November 10th, and throughout the month of November during school day hours. Please let your teachers know whether you would like to meet in-person or virtually. This is your choice. We look forward to welcoming our PVES parents to these important meetings where collaborative learning goals will be set for this school year.

Please be reminded that if your children have any symptoms of illness, they must be kept home from school.  It is important that we keep everyone safe and healthy. When students must quarantine according to mandated regulations, they will receive Quarantine Instructional Support. This includes live classroom Google Meet for both ELA and Math during each school day, along with asynchronous assignments to be completed independently at home. Teachers will provide you with the daily schedule during quarantine, and we will all work together to make these learning days productive and beneficial. We understand that this can be a frustrating and challenging time for families. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Looking ahead, please be reminded that School Picture Retakes will be held on Wednesday, October 27th.  Schools will be closed on Tuesday, November 2nd (Election Day/Superintendent’s Conference Day/ES parent conferences) and on Thursday, November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day.  Schools will also be closed on November 25th and 26th for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Our staff and students are invited to bring Halloween costumes to school on Friday, October 29th for student-centered activities later in the day. Please be sure that the costumes are easy for the children to put on and wear, and that no scary masks (or costume weapons) are included. We look forward to a wonderful celebration with our students.

Have a terrific week ahead. It looks like the warm weather will be staying with us for this week. Thank you for your positive communication and support in all that we do. This makes all the difference!


Dr. Margaret Podesta


