Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We made it!  Happy last day of the school year! Despite the many challenges that we have all had to face this year, our PVES children have grown so much. We are so very proud of them, and we thank you for all of your incredible support.  The summer is here! Please enjoy it!!

Report Cards:  Our Elementary Report Cards will be available online late tomorrow (Friday, 6/25), and they will be mailed via U.S. mail early next week. Please note that these Report Cards are more traditional in nature than the Narrative Report Cards that you received in January.  The rubric scores can be briefly described in this way:

4: Above grade level expectations at the time

3: Meeting grade level expectations at this time

2:  Approaching grade level expectations at this time

1:  Struggling to reach grade level expectations at this time

Please also note the two additional scores that our teachers may have used on your child’s Report Card for this unique school year:

8:  N/A -Not Applicable at this time

9:  Remote Student: Making steady progress in this area

Additional feedback on your student’s progress may be found in the various comment areas of the Report Card. Thank you for reviewing it carefully.

Summer Review Packets:  Each grade level teacher has provided students with a Summer Work Review Packet that your child can complete throughout the summer.  Please encourage your child to create a schedule so that the review work and the daily reading will be completed each day.  This will make such a difference for the students in September. The children who hand in these completed packets in the fall will receive a small prize as a token of their efforts!

Summer Reading Challenge:  Summer Reading Logs will be included in the students’ mailed Report Card envelopes.  Please encourage your children to read daily and to complete the summer reading logs for the Summer Reading Challenge.  I would encourage all K-4 students to participate in the exciting event at PVES and to collect their weekly prizes at school on Tuesdays, when they can choose new books to borrow! This is a wonderful opportunity, and we thank you for your enthusiasm!

Thank you, PVES parents, for your ongoing support!  We wish you a relaxing, healthy, and happy summer with your precious children!

Dr. Margaret Podesta
