Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy Friday! We have certainly had a busy week here at PVES, and we have so much to celebrate as we move toward the last month of the school year.  Please be reminded that there will be no school on this Monday, May 31st, in honor of Memorial Day.  Schools will be open on Tuesday, June 1st. Next Friday, June 4th will be our last PV Pride Day of the school year. All staff and students are invited to wear blue and white on that day!

Our classrooms continue to be alive with wonderful projects, great learning, and special virtual field trips and special activities.  Our outdoor learning center is a busy place, along with our hiking trails and recess areas.  I thank our very talented faculty and staff for creating such a vibrant and caring learning environment for our students each and every day.  The students are thriving, and we look forward to their continued growth.

Enjoy the weekend ahead.  Take time to be with your families, read some great books, and pull out those board games on the rainy days.  Children often remember the small moments, even more than the big ones.  Make them special.

We are looking forward to seeing our students on June 1st! Thank you for your ongoing support.


Dr. Margaret Podesta

