Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope you have all been enjoying this spectacular spring weather this week!  What a wonderful opportunity this is to experience outside (screen-free) activities with your children.  Our PVES students have been having daily outdoor recess, outside Physical Education classes, and outdoor classroom activities with their classroom teachers.  The summer heat may be making an early appearance later this week, so please be sure to dress your children for the weather and send in those refillable water bottles!

Please remember to vote at our school on this Tuesday, May 18th! Our PVCSD Budget Vote will be taking place in the Putnam Valley Elementary School Cafeteria from 6 AM to 9 PM.  Parking will be available directly in front of the cafeteria entrance throughout the school day.  This will not greatly affect our school day, as the majority of our classes eat right in their own classrooms this year.

We are excited to hold our first Virtual Community Read tomorrow.  Special guest readers from our community will be virtually visiting each of our classrooms to share special books with the children.  Thank you to Mrs. Dawn Vaccaro who once again has created an amazing book poster for the school in honor of this special event.  We thank all of our community readers who will be joining us on the screens tomorrow.  We appreciate you!

I am so proud to report that PVES held three days of very safe and successful in-person Kindergarten Screening this past week. I thank all of our skilled staff members who helped to make this process so very organized, efficient, and pleasant for our newest students.  More information will soon be available regarding our KinderCamp, Summer Academic Boost days for children in the elementary grade levels, and PVES calendar dates for the opening of our school in September.

Thank you to those of you who have filled out the Student Information Sheets that are used help us with class placement information for next year.  We value your input!

Thank you again to our PTA for hosting the Virtual Book Fair over these past few weeks.  Please build that daily reading routine into your schedule at home, now and throughout the summer.  This is so very important to your child’s love of learning and academic success!

Please check our calendar scroll for the changes that were made for the end of June.  As you now know, Thursday, June 24th is a now a half-day of school for our elementary students, with dismissal taking place at 12:00 PM.  There will now be no school on Friday, June 25th, for elementary students.  Thank you for making note of these changes.

Enjoy this beautiful day and thank you for working so cooperatively with us throughout this unique but successful school year.  You should be so proud of your amazing children! We certainly are!

Dr. Margaret Podesta



