Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

And May has arrived!  I hope that you are all enjoying this beautiful weekend, and that you are looking forward to this busy and productive month.  On Friday, we will celebrate our May PV Pride Day, and all staff and students are invited to wear their blue and white colors to show off their school pride. At Putnam Valley, we have so very much to celebrate!

Congratulations to our third and fourth graders who took their NYS ELA Exams this past week.  We are always so proud of our students who are so prepared, and who always know how to put forth their best efforts. This week, our third and fourth graders will take the NYS Math Exam on Thursday.  Students who have opted out of this testing will complete independent curriculum review work in the classroom during the morning testing hours.  Any opt-out students who stay home on this day should not arrive at school before 12:00, so as to not disrupt the testing. Thank you to our amazing teachers who do such a great job each and every day with our students.

Please remember to visit the PTA Virtual Book Fair, which begins on Monday, May 3rd.  Thank you to our PTA who has special surprises in store for our faculty in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week this coming week.  Our amazing teachers deserve recognition for their wonderful care and efforts they put into their work, each and every day. This year has certainly brought on some additional challenges, and I thank our teachers for always putting our students first and foremost! We appreciate our teachers!

Please remind your children to wear their seatbelts on the bus, and to continue to seat socially distanced in their seats.  I continue to commend our students for the wonderful job they do wearing their masks at school, including during recess.  These kids are amazing!

Brief Progress Reports will be mailed to you this week, as a follow-up to our 3rd Quarter progress monitoring and the Parent/Teacher conferences that were held. As always, if you have questions, please reach out to your child’s teachers.  We want to work together to continue to support your child academically, emotionally, and behaviorally.

Enjoy the week ahead!  May your precious children continue to bloom, just like the May flowers!

Dr. Margaret Podesta
