Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy Friday! I hope that you all enjoyed a healthy and relaxing spring break with your families, and that this last stretch of the school year has started off smoothly for all of you.  We are so happy to welcome back many of our remote students to in-school learning this week, and we continue to engage all of our students (both in school and at home) in successful learning each and every day.  Today is our April PV Pride Day, and we are feeling so proud!

Please be reminded that this Friday, April 16th is a half-day of school for our elementary students.  Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held that afternoon.  Please mark your calendars that we will have a 12:00 noon dismissal on that day.  We are hoping to have our teachers and professional support staff meet with most parents during this unique school year. If you would like to schedule a conference with any teacher for Friday, please email them at first initial, last name @pvcsd.org.  Teachers will be reaching out to you as well!  This year, mid-quarter Progress Reports will be sent to you in early May.

As you know, a Parent Survey regarding the taking of NYS Math and ELA Tests was sent to parents of students in Grades 3 and 4 this week.  We ask that all third and fourth grade parents respond to this survey by today.  We are busy planning for our state testing days, and this survey information is extremely important to us for this purpose. State tests will not be administered to our current remote students in grades 3 and 4. Students who are taking the ELA and Math exams will work for approximately 60-90 minutes on each of the two testing days.  Students who are not taking the tests will complete curriculum work in school on that day.  Our students make us so proud, and we thank you, as always, for your support and cooperation.

We would like to remind all parents that Birthday Invitations may not be handed out in our elementary classrooms, unless there is an invitation for every child in the class, or for all of the girls, or all of the boys, in the class.  (We know that during this pandemic, this has not been much of an issue this year). As you can imagine, individual invitations can cause hurt feelings and social problems at this young age. Thank you for your cooperation.

I hope that you are enjoying this beautiful spring weather, and that you are taking the time away from electronics to enjoy the outdoors with your children.  Enjoy the weekend ahead, and our teachers look forward to meeting with you at virtual conferences on Friday!

Dr. Margaret Podesta

