Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you are all doing well and enjoying the winter sunshine! The month of March is right around the corner, and we will see if this month decides to “come in like a lion.” The children are sharing wonderful stories of playing in all of the snow that has fallen in the past few weeks.  However, the rainy weekend ahead might provide a nice time to curl up with a good book indoors!

It is with great sadness that I share with you the news of the recent sudden passing of one of our longtime district employees, Mrs. Marlene Pereira.  Mrs. Pereira was a vibrant and caring lunch/recess monitor at the elementary school, and she will be greatly missed.  Our thoughts are with Marlene’s family and friends at this most difficult time.  Parents, if you would like support in talking to your children about this terrible news (if you choose to), our school psychologists and counselor are available to help.  Please reach out to our clinical team for any support or guidance you may need.  This team includes:

Mrs. Susan O’Connell/psychologist:  soconnell@pvcsd.org
Mrs. Mary Sullivan/psychologist:  msullivan@pvcsd.org
Mrs. Laura Kilduff/counselor:  lkilduff@pvcsd.org

Please check the attached Weekly Notices for items that may be of interest to you and your child.  Yearbook orders are now being placed. Thank you, as always, to our PTA volunteers who make so many of these opportunities available to our students.  This has been a challenging year, for sure, but we are doing all we can to keep it as normal and as engaging for our students as possible.

Please be sure to reach out to your child’s teachers with any questions or concerns. We look forward to a very productive and uninterrupted month of March, with great growth and learning taking place every day.

Enjoy the weekend! Thank you, as always, for your positive communication and support.

Dr. Margaret Podesta

