Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We are enjoying our Sports Jersey Day at PVES today!  Thank you, parents, for always supporting our school initiatives, and for carefully reading school emails and notices. This makes such a difference for your children!

As you know, this Monday, February 8th, is a Remote Learning Day for all of our elementary students.  Kindergarten parents who would still like to borrow a school laptop for this remote learning day should email Mrs. DeRubeis at cderubeis@pvcsd.org.  Laptops can be picked up this afternoon (1:00-2:00, and 2:45-3:45) or on Monday morning.  Students in Grades 1 through 4 who have signed up to borrow a laptop will be bringing them home in cases with chargers at dismissal today.  These laptops should be used with great care and for school purposes only.  Students in Grades 1-4 should return these laptops on Tuesday morning, when all in-school learners will be back in the building.

Our elementary learning community is off to a great, healthy start to the second half of this school year!  Thank you again for keeping your children home if they have any symptoms of illness.  This is critical to keeping our schools open and our students and staff healthy!  If an in-school learner is absent, he/she will be marked absent from school that day, but may still join Google Meet lessons as shared by the classroom teacher. (This does not include Specials).  We must keep accurate in-school attendance records for any contact tracing purposes.

If your child is bringing in paper Valentines, these cards must be brought to school by Tuesday, February 9th.  This way, the Valentines can sit untouched for several days before being handed out to the students.  We ask that you please do not send in candy or treats.  Thank you for understanding that health and safety come first!

Our February winter break will take place from February 15 – February 19.  All quarantine/COVID testing regulations must be followed with any out of state travel.  If you have questions about this, please contact our nurse, Mrs. Hill, at khill@pvcsd.org.

We certainly are having a few snowy weeks!  Thank you to our amazing custodial and buildings & grounds staff for the wonderful job they do keeping our driveway and parking lots clear and safe.  Even this week, our students have enjoyed outdoor recess on our clear blacktop, thanks to the wonderful snow removal that took place.  As you may have heard, the Groundhog is predicting six more weeks of winter.  Let’s make the best of it!

Thank you so much for your positive feedback regarding our January narrative Report Cards.  We are anticipating much student growth and progress throughout the second half of this school year.  If you have any questions or concerns, please always reach out to your child’s teachers. This communication is so very important.

Keep reading on a daily basis with your students.  Plan to share at least one book a day together, and this is sure to lead to more!

Enjoy the weekend, and thank you for supporting your students with their remote learning on this Monday.  Our staff will be in school if you have any questions!


Dr. Podesta

