Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We have had another very successful week at PVES, and our students are learning and growing every day. As you know from Dr. Luft’s email message yesterday, our building did have to do a bit of contact tracing this week, but all affected families were quickly notified, and successful remote learning began immediately where necessary. We know these difficult times require a great amount of flexibility. We thank you for working so closely with us as we put much effort into providing your children with consistent and meaningful learning opportunities. I am so proud of how we all work together!

Report Cards will be available at the end of next week, which marks the midpoint of the school year. This is a wonderful time to discuss good learning habits with your children, and to engage them in supportive and motivating talks about growth, goals, and effort. If you would like to discuss your child’s report card with any of his/her teachers, please call the school office at 845-528-8092, or email the teacher at first initial, last name @ pvcsd.org.

Our February break will take place from February 15th through February 19th. Schools will reopen on Monday, February 22nd. I know that we are all hoping for a happy and healthy spring that comes soon and that feels a bit more normal than have recent months.

Please read the Weekly Notices carefully, as there may be some activities that may be of interest to your child.

Enjoy the weekend ahead, and thank you for the many kind of words of support and gratitude that have come our way. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and collaboration!

We are so proud of your children. They continue to amaze us in so many ways!

Dr. Podesta
