Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy Friday! Thank you for all of your efforts this week! Our students have smoothly adjusted to being back in school or to joining our remote google meet lessons from home. We continue to be so very proud of the children, as they are so resilient and eager to learn. We hope that you are all healthy and ready to enjoy the three-day weekend ahead. As you know, schools will be closed on Monday, January 18th, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

We are now collecting names and information for our incoming Kindergarten class for September 2021! If you have a child who will be turning 5 years old by December 1, 2021, please call our main office at 845-528-8092. We will then set up an appointment with you for Kindergarten Registration, which will be followed by a Kindergarten Screening appointment with your child in the spring. Please remind your friends and neighbors in Putnam Valley to call us if they have children that age. We look forward to welcoming them to PVES in the fall!

Just a reminder that our classroom Valentine’s celebrations will involve paper valentines being exchanged, with no candy or treats, for safety reasons this year. All student Valentines should be brought to school by Monday, February 8th, so that they can sit untouched for several days. Thank you for your cooperation!

The students continue to go outside for recess during the winter months. Please be sure that your child has a warm jacket, a hat, and gloves if necessary. The fresh air and exercise are good for all, and they certainly support strong classroom learning!

Our teachers are busy assessing their students and preparing Report Cards for our mid-year point, January 29th. Narrative Report Cards will be available on that day. These Report Cards will not incorporate the 1-4 Rubric System for this marking period, but the narrative reports will be individualized and informative. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teachers with any questions.

Our Winter Recess will take place from Monday, February 15th through Friday, February 19th. Schools will reopen on Monday, February 22nd.

Thank you again for all of your support and for the wonderful school/community team approach that exists here at PVES! We are certainly working together to make this school year a great success!

Dr. Margaret Podesta
